21 mar
14:30 16:30

Master’s Degree Programmes in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry – Presentation

Presentation of the Master’s Degrees in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry by professors and students.

Register to participate and to ask your question.


14:30 Presentazione generale dei due CdL da parte del Presidente del Collegio Didattico, Prof. Luigi Falciola

14:40 Presentazione del CdL in Scienze Chimiche, Prof. Fabio Ragaini

15:00 Presentazione del CdL in Industrial Chemistry, Prof. Claudia Bianchi

15:20 Intervento di studenti dei due CdL e domande  dal pubblico

16:20 Conclusione

Event date:


14:30 - 16:30

Registration closing date:



Master’s Degree Programmes Presentation

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