16 mag
12:00 14:00

Master’s Degree Programmes of the area of Agricultural and Food Sciences – Presentation

Presentation of the Master’s Degree Programmes of the area of Agricultural and Food Sciences:

- Agricultural Sciences for Sustainability

- Biotechnology for the Bioeconomy

- Crops and Plant Sciences

- Environmental and food economics

- Global environment and development (MERGED)

- Green Areas and Landscape Design

- Human Nutrition and Food Science

- Nutritional Sciences - master

- Sustainable natural resource management

- Valorization and sustainable development of mountain areas

- Viticulture and Enology Sciences 

by professors and students.

On the same occasion, the Faculty's research activities will be presented as part of the Research Open Day, one of the events promoted by the Sustainable Development Festival, under the patronage of RUS - Italian University Network for Sustainable Development.

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